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Now showing items 191-210 of 10733
Cancel culture як інструмент впливу у політичній боротьбі
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2022-07-28)Останніми роками феномен cancel culture набуває все більшої популярності як в соціальних мережах, так і в реальному житті. Розглядаючи становлення цього феномену, автори статті, аналізують його виникнення та поширення у ... -
Car image recognition using convolutional neural network with efficient met architecture
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2024-03-28) -
Carbon Fiber Traces in Cracked Surfaces of Mortar Prisms
(Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 2022-02-17)The traces of carbon fibers along the cracked surfaces of mortar prisms, being 40 mm x 40 mm x 160 mm in size, are studied, assuming that the cracked surfaces in the prisms are the places with the lowest resistance to the ... -
Category of Equity in the Context of the Luxury Tax Implementation// European Journal of Law and Public Administration
(Lumen Publishing Houseon, 2019)The luxury tax is one of the most discussed taxes to make possible the introduction of a policy of social equity, which is extremely relevant and in demand. It is worth noting that the category of ... -
Category «misdemeanour» in criminal and administrative liability
(Universitatea „Ovidius” Constanţa, 2023)The article deals with the problem of introducing a criminal offense into national legislation. The authors analyzes the category of "misdemeanor" in criminal and administrative liability. Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation ... -
Cei care au dat tonul. ARMENII din CERNĂUȚI.
( Periodic al Uniunii Armenilor din Romania, 2023-10-31)Sec.XI- Armenilor le este permis să se stabilească în teritoriul Rusiei Kievene, în timpul prințului rus Izyaslav (1054-1078), pentru a-l sprijini în război [13].. Anii 60 și 70 ai sec.XIV – se așază armeni în Bucovina ... -
Challenges in Rolling out the Framework of Categories and Concepts of Tax Code of Ukraine in Terms of “Tax Liability” Categor
(Silesian Journal of Legal Studies, 2017)Tax liability is one of the primary taxation law categories. It was originally implemented by the Law of Ukraine “On Value Added Tax” and later spread to all specific legal types of tax by the Law of Ukraine “On the ... -
Challenges of logistics in the war conditions
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2022-05-13)The war in Ukraine caused serious challenges that required immediate general consolidation and optimization of all social processes in order to build an effective wartime economy. In the conditions of war, the problem of ... -
Changes in physical activity indicators of Ukrainian students in the conditions of distance education
(2023)Purpose: purpose of the work is to determine the changes in physical activity indicators of Ukrainian students in the conditions of distance education caused by the quarantine restrictions and the conditions of the legal ... -
Characterization of compact subspaces of the space of separately continuous functions with the cross-uniform topology
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2023)Наведена характеристика компактних підпросторів простору нарізно- неперервних функцій з крос-рівномірною топологією -
Chernivtsi Architecture, Urban Landscape and Heritage Conservation: Shared Historical Legacy of the Romanian Period (1919-1940s)
(Universitatea »1 Decembrie 1918« Alba Iulia, 2018)As far as all cities in today’s globalized societies are multilingual, multifaceted and multinational, they are a priori of particularly intense historical and cultural significance. Our study aims to illuminate the nature ... -
(NAS of Ukraine. SI “Institute of Regional Research named after M.I. Dolishniy of NASU”, Lviv, 2022, 2022)Globalization is a process with multidimensional characteristics. It brings about a lot of new perspectives and chances to all of mankind, like economic growth, rapid technological progress, avalanche of new information ... -
Chernivtsi’s Squares and Monuments in the Context of Distinctive Bukovinian Identity, Cultural Heritages and Urban Historical Memory
(Annales Universitatis Apulensis, Editura Mega, 2020-10-15)Since the twentieth century, the interdisciplinary field of ‘memory studies’ has become especially topical and drawn upon a variety of theoretical perspectives, while offering a plethora of empirical case studies exploring ... -
Christian centrism in context of the postmodern paradigm of philosophy educational value strategies for education of student youth.
(2022)There is a theological and socio-philosophical understanding of the ideological and theoretical influence of the postmodern paradigm on tile formation of modern models of student’s youth education. Taking into account the ... -
Chronology and distribution of Central and Eastern European Pleistocene rhinoceroses (Perissodactyla, Rhinocerotidae) – A review.
(2023-03-03)The family Rhinocerotidae is a key component of the Cenozoic European fauna. It reached its peak diversity during Miocene and began to decline in the Pliocene; the last representatives became extinct in Europe during the ... -
Cinematic Code of Short Prose
(2022)The paper is motivated by new perspectives in expending the boundaries of the literary text analyses in the aspect of intermediality theory. The short story "Freeze-Frame" by Tatiana Belimova from the collection "Rose Jam" ... -
Cinematic Code of Short Prose
(International scientific journal «Grail of Science», 2022)The paper is motivated by new perspectives in expending the boundaries of the literary text analyses in the aspect of intermediality theory. The short story "Freeze-Frame" by Tatiana Belimova from the collection "Rose Jam" ...