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Now showing items 311-330 of 11291
(Чернівці: Черн. нац. ун-т, 2022-11-10)Development of new technologies, which are oriented to audio signal processing, has also launched new directions in the use thereof in various spheres of science and engineering. A very important sphere may be considered the ... -
Depression of administrative-territorial units of Chernivtsi oblast: social-geographical assessment
(2021-05)Problem Statement and Purpose. The world economy has always developed and continues to develop cyclically, which affects the economic development of individual countries and their regions. As a result of cyclical economic ... -
Der Bewegungskrieg an der mittleren Weichsel von Oktober bis Anfang November 1914
(Österreichischer Milizverlag, 2021-06) -
Derivational networks in Ukrainian// Derivational Networks across Languages
(De Gruyter Mouton, 2020)This pioneering research brings a new insight into derivational processes in terms of theory, method and typology. Theoretically, it conceives of derivation as a three-dimensional system. Methodologically, it introduces ... -
Detecting crack on-set time in mortar prisms with a thermal image
(Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022-09-17)Thermal images are used to visualise the crack forming processes in mortar prisms under the flexural strength test with a UTM (Universal Testing Machine). The surface temperature of the prisms increases as the stress on ... -
Detecting the influence of uneven loading of the brake shoe in a freight car bogie on its strength
(Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2023)The object of the study is the processes of occurrence, perception, and redistribution of loads in the brake shoe of a freight car bogie during braking. In order to ensure the safety of the movement of freight cars, a study ... -
Determinants for Predicting Polyorganic Functional Changes of the Musculoskeletal System in Children with Various Degrees of Joints Hypermobility
(Аcta Balneologica, 2023-01)Aim: The aim of the work was to study the presence of determinants for predicting the local structures involvement of the musculoskeletal system against the background of joint hypermobility in children. Materials and ... -
Determinants of Typical Errors in Interpretation of ECHR Provisions in the Jurisprudence of Ukraine.
(2021-02-09)The article will examine the determinants of typical errors in the interpretation of ECHR provisions in the jurisprudence of Ukraine. It will prove that the ratification of the ECHR by Ukraine has begun the process of ... -
Determination of the term “Government official” in the Context of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
(Revista San Gregorio, 2020)The article deals with the problems of determining the concept of “public official” and definiteness of terms in the context of enforcement of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The author carried out the ... -
Determination of the term “Government official” in the Context of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
(Revista San Gregorio, 2020)The article deals with the problems of determining the concept of “public official” and definiteness of terms in the context of enforcement of the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The author carried out the ... -
Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Jurastudierende
(ЧНУ, 2023-04-26)Навчальний посібник «Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Jurastudierende» призначений для здобувачів освіти юридичних факультетів спеціальностей 081 Право та 293 Міжнародне право та факультетів, які вивчають німецьку мову у ... -
Deutsch für Psychologen
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2019)Навчальний посібник передбачений для студентів педагогічних факультетів за спеціальностями " Психологія" та " Практична психологія". Посібник буде корисним також для тих, хто працює над вдосконаленням рівня володіння ... -
Deutsch in Hotellerie und Tourismus
(Книги – ХХІ, 2012)Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів туристичних спеціальностей та спеціалізацій, які мають базовий рівень володіння німецькою мовою. -
Deutsch-ukrainisches Online-Fachwörterbücherportal
(PAIS, 2023)