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Now showing items 989-1008 of 11291
Oameni si locuri in Bucovina.
(Suchava, 2009)Румунсько-український проект «ROUA BUCOVINEI (Roots, People, Unity, Attractions – культурне коріння, люди і місця, єдність традицій, природні туристичні атракції Буковини) – транскордонна інтеграція між прикордонними ... -
(REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL GEOGRAPHICAL EDUCATION, 2021)This article covers the features of using non-professional UAVs to obtain photogrammetric information. The analysis of scientific articles on the use of UAVs in research was carried out. The algorithm of photogrammetric ... -
Obtaining Photogrammetric Data by Using Non-Professional Uavs
Obtaining phycobiliprotein-Obtaining phycobiliprotein-containing Nostoc linckia (Roth.) Born. et Flah biomass via bioconversation of waste water from reticulating aquaculture systems (RAS)containing Nostoc linckia (Roth.) Born. et Flah biomass via bioconversation of waste water from reticulating aquaculture systems (RAS)
(2020)The paper studies the possibility of bioconversion of waste water from recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). For this purpose, cyanobacteria Nostoc linckia (Roth.) Born. et Flah. was grown on waste water from RAS. In ... -
(2021)The paper aims at disclosing the nature of offshore tools used for the withdrawal of capital from Ukraine, as well as suggesting measures to be undertaken by Ukrainian authorities to improve the current situation. The ... -
OLYMPIC EDUCATION - Part 1 Theoretical and methodological principles of current Olympic education
(LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021)The monograph studies historical, theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of Olympic education, its functioning and integration into the educational process. The authors analyse, generalise and characterize ... -
OLYMPIC EDUCATION – Part 1. Theoretical and methodological principles of current Olympic education.
(2021)The Olympic Movement for its more than 120-year history is considered to be one of the most large-scale phenomenon today, which brings together the vast majority of the world. Consequently, the International Olympic ... -
On a problem of Talagrand concerning separately continuous functions
(Cembridge University Press, 2021)We construct a separately continuous function e:E×K→{0,1} on the product of a Baire space E and a compact space K such that no restriction of e to any non-meagre Borel set in E×K is continuous. The function e has no points ... -
On palaeomagnetic dating of fluvial deposits in the section of Neporotove gravel quarry on the Middle Dniester
(Oles Gonchar Dnipro National University, 2019)The paper presents the results of palaeomagnetic studies of Quaternary non-cemented deposits from the section of Neporotove on the VIIIth terrace of the Dniester River valley with an abnormal thickness (more than 20 m) of ... -
On Some Peculiarities of the Development of Legal Education and Jurisprudence in Bucovina in 1918-1940.
(2020)In western Ukraine, the formation of academic law community, as a vanguard of domestic science and education, is indispensably related to the Chemivtsi University. Being a center of educational, scientific and cultural ... -
On the approximation and stability of linear systems with delay
(THE 29th CONFERENCE ON APPLIED AND INDUSTRIAL MATHEMATICS, CAIM 2022 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, August 25-27, 2022, 2022-08) -
On the approximation and stability of linear systems with delay
(Moldova State University, 2022-08-25)This paper investigates the application of approximation schemes for differential-difference equations [1-3] to construct algorithms for the approximate finding of nonsymptotic roots of quasipolynomials and their application ... -
On the approximation of linear systems with delay and their stability
(The 28th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics 17th(18th September),- Book of Abstract., 2021-09-17)In the present paper, we consider applications of the approximation schemes for differential-difference equations to approximate finding nonasymptotic roots of quasipolynomials and analysis of stability for solutions of ... -
(Матеріали міжнародної наукової конференції «V міжнародна конференція, присвячена 145 річниці від дня народження Ганса Гана», 2024-09) -
On the fundamental solution of the Cauchy problem for equations with negative genus and dissipative parabolicity
(2022)One class of differential equations with partial derivatives and variable coefficients, which have dissipative parabolicity and negative genus, is considered. For this class, the Green's function of the Cauchy problem was ... -
On the Generalized Cauchy Problem for the Evolutionary Equation with Operator of Fractional Differentiation
(Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2022)We prove the well-posed solvability of the nonlocal problem multipoint in time for the evolutionary equation with operator of fractional differentiation and initial function, which is an element of the space of generalized ... -
On the Problem of Origin of Science: The Antiquity Context
(Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2023)This academic paper provides a historical reflection on the problem of the origin of science in order to determine the reasons for differences in determining the date and content of the first scientific achievements. The ... -
On the role of random bond in spin-crossover compounds
(Springer Nature, 2023-10)The short-range Ising-like model of spin-crossover solid compounds with Gaussian random bonds has been investigated by intensive numerical Monte Carlo simulation. Direct numerical computation are studied and analyzed. Three ... -
One or two: how many species of the genus Pyrrhocorax (Passeriformes, Corvidae) inhabited the Crimea during the Late Pleistocene
(Zoodiversity, 2023-04-26)The article provides an overview of bird remains assigned to the genus Pyrrhocorax Tunstall, 1771 from nine cave sites of the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene age within the Crimean Peninsula (Ukraine). A large sample ...