Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1168-1187 of 11291
Qualitativeness of foreign language learning by students of non-professional specialties in the conditions of distance education.
(Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук: міжвузівський збірник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: «Педагогіка», 2022)The article is devoted to the study of the quality of foreign language learning in the conditions of distance learning, as since March 2020 all universities have partially implemented distance and blended learning, and ... -
(2021)Copper is a highly toxic metal common in both natural and man-made ecosystems. The goal of the work was to determine the level of resistance of microorganisms of natural ecosystems to cationic form and organometallic complex ... -
Quasioptimal stabilization of the linear controlled singularly perturbed systems with delay
(V. M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, 2024-06-28)We consider a linear singularly perturbed system of difference-differential equations with control. We obtain a representation of an integral manifolds of this system. We search the solution of the problem of quasioptimal ... -
Quaternary megafauna from the Dnieper alluvium near Kaniv (central Ukraine): Implications for biostratigraphy
(Elsevier Ltd and INQUA, 2021-09)Subfossil remains of the Quaternary megafauna from two Ukrainian natural history collections stored at Kaniv Nature Reserve and the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine were examined. Most of the bones were ... -
Quaternary remains of Bovidae Gray, 1821 from cave Emine Bair Khosar (Crimea)
(University of Wrocław, 2021-12) -
Quintuple Helix Model: Investment Aspects of Higher Education Impact on Sustainability
(Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2021-05-12)The interdisciplinary analysis of sustainability requires an in-depth study ofinteractions between different economic entities, and identifying investment aspects of developing relations between them. ... -
Radiation resistance of near-infrared photodiodes based on Hg3In2Te6
(SPIE, 2021)The design and technology for manufacturing of photodiodes with a potential barrier created by a Schottky contact on a substrate of radiation-resistant n-Hg3In2Te6 single crystal are presented. The photosensitivity of the ... -
Radioelectronics and information technologies in physical experiments : Part 1. General principles of development and applications of a simple handmade pulsed NQR device
(OmniScriptum Publishing, 2021)The book describes the creation of new and improvement of existing methods for studying nuclear quadruple resonance by solving an important application problem – the development of cheap, portable, digital, multipulse ... -
Rainbows of Different Order in Water Droplets and Glass Beads
(Wolfram, 2022-08-16)A single reflection of sunlight inside a falling raindrop produces the primary rainbow. Double reflection gives rise to the secondary rainbow. This Demonstration calculates the parameters for rainbows of the first six ... -
Rainbows of Multiple Orders
(Wolfram, 2022-08-16)This Demonstration shows the position and colors for the first 10 orders of rainbows formed by the reflection and refraction of the Sun's rays in drops of water. -
Rat liver arginase system under acetaminophen-induced toxic injury and protein deprivation
(Ukr. Biochem. J., 2017)Arginase activity and L-arginine content in both cytosolic and mitochondrial fractions of rat liver cells under the conditions of toxic injury on the background of protein deprivation was studied. The most significant ... -
Răspunderea magistraţilor români prezentare generală
(2021-10-29)Publicația este dedicată unor aspecte generale ale reglementării normative urmăririi legale a magistraţilor români. Autorii atrag atenția asupra statusului juridic al magistraţilor și asupra formei și tipurilor de pedepse ... -
Răspunderea magistraţilor români prezentare generală
(2021-10-29) -
Reaction of Cells Desmodesmus armatus (Chod.) Hegew. on the Induction of Carotynogenesis
(2018)Various studies of the components of the antioxidant protection system of microalgae D. armatus under the influence of osmotic stress and active forms of oxygen will allow to develop methods for controlling carotenogenesis ... -
Readings in Geography
(2024)Основною метою посібника є розвиток навичок читання фахової лексики та усного спілкування по темах зі спеціальності для студентів 1-2 курсів географічного факультету, а також cлyxaчiв peфepaтивниx гpyп. Навчальний посібник ... -
(Casa Editorială Demiurg, 2015)In the article the functions of the figures of asyndenton and polysyndeton as syntactic means of the text organization of “Daphnis and Chloe” (an ancient Greek novel of the end of the second century AD written by Longus) ... -
Reception vs Convergence: Philosophy in Literary Fiction
(European Scientific Platform, 2021-03-12) -
Rechtliche Argumentation in den Entscheidungen des Verfassungsgerichts der Ukraine und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts Deutschlands
(Verlag der Deutsch-Ukrainischen Juristenvereinigung e.V., 2020)