Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1626-1645 of 10740
Value Vectors of the World Local Orthodox Churches Position Regarding Russia's War Against Ukraine
(2022)The article deals with the religious contexts of the modern civilizational crisis caused by Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. Among the multitude of thematic lines of this set of problems, the article’s authors ... -
Variability in feeding habitats of red deer sensu lato in Eurasia in the Late Pleistocene and Holocene
(Journal of Archaeological Science. Elsevier., 2023-01-23)Red deer (Cervus elaphus) is one of the species that is rather widespread and survived across Europe over the Holocene. The analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in bone collagen of ungulate remains have been ... -
Variability of meteorological droughts in the polish and the Ukrainian Carpathians, 1984–2015
(Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2022)The article addresses the occurrence and severity of meteorological droughts in terms of deficit of monthly precipitation and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in the Polish and the Ukrainian Carpathians in the ... -
Variability of meteorological droughts in the polish and the Ukrainian Carpathians, 1984–2015
(Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2022)The article addresses the occurrence and severity of meteorological droughts in terms of the deficit of monthly precipitation and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) in the Polish and the Ukrainian Carpathians in ... -
Vasyl Kovalchuk, Artem Androsenko, Anna Boiko, Vasyl Tomash, Oleksandr Derevyanchuk. Development of Pedagogical Skills of Future Teachers of Labor Education and Technology by means of Digital Technologies // IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. – 2022. – V. 22, №9, P. 551-560.
(2022-09-10)The influence of digital technologies on the effectiveness of the development of pedagogical skills of future teachers of labor education and technology has been studied. The essence of the concept of "pedagogical skills ... -
(ADJURIS – de Științe Juridice și Administrative, 2021-06-25)Abstract The article aims to study the Venice Commission's role as one of the leading international law interpreters. This role has gradually strengthened in the process of scientifically substantiated promotion of legal ... -
Venice Commission: the role in the process of international and national law interpretation.
(Editura ASE, 2021-10)The article aims to study the Venice Commission's role as one of the leading international law interpreters. This role has gradually strengthened in the process of scientifically substantiated promotion of legal norms and ... -
Venice Сommission: the role in the process of international and national law interpretation
(2021-06-25)The article aims to study the Venice Commission's role as one of the leading international law interpreters. This role has gradually strengthened in the process of scientifically substantiated promotion of legal norms ... -
Viribus Unitis! Die einzige Studentenverbindung in der Ukraine stellt sich vor
(BDIC-Korporationsverband an deutschen Hochschulen e.V., 2020-12) -
Volodymyr Kobyljans`kyj. Handbuch der Literaturen aus Czernowitz und der Bukowina.
(Heidelberg : J.B. Metzler, Part of Springer Nature - Springer-Verlag GmbH - J.B. Metzler., 2023) -
Volumetric potential of the Cauchy problem for parabolic equations with negative genus and variable coefficients
(ЧНУ, 2023)Досліджено властивості об’ємниого потенцiалу задачi Кошi для параболiчних рiвнянь з вiд’ємним родом i змiнними коефiцiєнтами -
Von Sehnsucht und Heimat.Gedichte von Rose Ausländer und Lesja Ukrajinka. Mit Bildern von Augusta Kochanowska
(Österreichischer Integrationsfonds (ÖIF) von Flüchtlingen und Migrant/Innen, 2022)Продемонстровано вірші Рози Ауслендер та Лесі Українки з картинами Августи Кохановської -
Vrcholnostredoveký kord z hradu Nyaláb v Korolevo
(Slovenská republika, Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre, Filozofická fakulta, 2021-09) -
W. S. Maugham The Painted Veil (навчальний посібник з аспекту «Домашнє читання»)
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2019-01) -
Wavefront aberration in the reconstructed images of holograms on DMDs
(TechRxiv, 2022)Wavefronts of the reconstructed images from holograms displayed on both rhomb and square pixel type DMDs are visually identified with a color phase map obtained with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor to show wavefront ... -
Ways of Expressing Certainty as a Variety of Epistemic Modality
(2023)The article deals ways of expressing certainty as a variety of epistemic modality. The research has proved that certainty is viewed as a type of subjective information available in texts and a form of epistemic modality ... -
Ways to Overcome the Speech Developmental Disorders of Children of Senior Preschool Age with Mental Retardation in the Conditions of the Inclusive Group of Preschool Education Institution
(2021)The article analyzes the peculiarities of the organization of correction of speech development of pupils with mental retardation in inclusive groups of preschool institutions. The contents, forms and methods of ... -
Web-дизайн. Методичні рекомендації до курсової роботи.
(2019)Викладено систему правил оформлення курсових, визначено регламент їх виконання, подання до захисту. Для студентів напряму підготовки «Видавничо-поліграфічна справа».