Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1640-1659 of 10733
W. S. Maugham The Painted Veil (навчальний посібник з аспекту «Домашнє читання»)
(Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2019-01) -
Wavefront aberration in the reconstructed images of holograms on DMDs
(TechRxiv, 2022)Wavefronts of the reconstructed images from holograms displayed on both rhomb and square pixel type DMDs are visually identified with a color phase map obtained with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor to show wavefront ... -
Ways of Expressing Certainty as a Variety of Epistemic Modality
(2023)The article deals ways of expressing certainty as a variety of epistemic modality. The research has proved that certainty is viewed as a type of subjective information available in texts and a form of epistemic modality ... -
Ways to Overcome the Speech Developmental Disorders of Children of Senior Preschool Age with Mental Retardation in the Conditions of the Inclusive Group of Preschool Education Institution
(2021)The article analyzes the peculiarities of the organization of correction of speech development of pupils with mental retardation in inclusive groups of preschool institutions. The contents, forms and methods of ... -
Web-дизайн. Методичні рекомендації до курсової роботи.
(2019)Викладено систему правил оформлення курсових, визначено регламент їх виконання, подання до захисту. Для студентів напряму підготовки «Видавничо-поліграфічна справа». -
Windows Presentation Foundation: практичні рецепти
(Технодрук, 2023)Навчально-методичний посібник освітлює базові концепції роботи із Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) через призму практичних «рецептів» у вигляді покрокових гайдів. Видання адресоване студентам вищих навчальних закладів ... -
(Науковий вісник ХДУ Серія Германістика та міжкультурна комунікація, 2020)Each part of speech is characterized by a specific set of affixes (suffixes and prefixes) that are used to form new words. Nominal terminological units are not an exception. The English frontier terms vocabulary is ... -
Working Papers
(LUMEN Media Publishing, UK, 2017) -
XV IMBG all-Ukrainian Conference of Young Scientists with international participation
(Biopolymers and Cell., 2021) -
Yasynskyy V.K., Yurchenko I.V. Mean-Square Stability and Instability Criteria for the Gikhman–Ito Stochastic Diffusion Functional Differential Systems Subject to External Disturbances of the Type of Random Variables // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis.– 2023.– Vol.59, N2.– P.283–295.
(Springer Nature, 2023-03)Mean-Square Stability and Instability Criteria for the Gikhman–Ito Stochastic Diffusion Functional Differential Systems Subject to External Disturbances of the Type of Random Variables. -
Yasynskyy V.K., Yurchenko I.V. On the existence of optimal control for stochastic functional differential equations under the influence of external disturbances // Cybernetics and System Analysis.– 2024.– Vol.60, №3.– P.462-471.
(Springer Nature, 2024-05)The authors discuss the comparison theorem for solutions of stochastic functional differential equations subject to external disturbances and its application to a stochastic control problem. -
Yasynskyy, V.K., Yurchenko, I.V. Existence of the Solution to the Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential-Difference Equations of Neutral Type // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis.– 2021.– Vol.57.– No.5.– P.764–774.
(Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2021)The authors consider the existence of the solution to the Cauchy problem in the class of nonlinear stochastic partial differential-difference equations of neutral type, with regard for random external perturbations independent ... -
Yurchenko I.V. Existence of l-moment of the Strong Solution of Stochastic Integral Differential Ito-Volterra Equation // The International Scientific Periodical Journal "SWorldJournal".– 2021.– Issue №8, Part 2.– Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov, Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria.– P.27-34.
(Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov, Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria., 2021)In this article the existence of l-moment of the strong solution of stochastic integral differential Ito-Volterra equation is proved in the case of Wiener disturbances and Poisson switchings. -
Yurchenko I.V. Feature Detection Methods in Image Recognition Problems on Python // International Scientific Conference “Modern Systems of Science and Education in the USA, EU and Postsoviet Countries ‘2021”. Conference Proceedings (February, 2021).– «ISE&E» & SWorld in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, USA.– P.25-28.
(«ISE&E» & SWorld in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, USA., 2021-02)It is described an implementation of the “Histogram of Oriented Gradients” (HOG) feature detecting algorithm; the construction of classifiers for machine learning problems is considered and Python language tools (Scikit-Learn ... -
Yurchenko I.V. The existence of the solution of the Cauсhi problem for nonlinear stochastic partial differential-difference equations of neutral type with random external perturbances // Scientific World Journal.– 2022.– Issue №13, Part 1.– P.54–64.– Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov, Bulgaria (jointly with SWorld).
(Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov, Bulgaria (jointly with SWorld), 2022-05)The question of the existence of a solution of the Cauchy problem in the class of nonlinear stochastic differential-difference equations of neutral type in partial derivatives with respect to ... -
Yurchenko I.V., Yasynskyy V.K. Stochastic (B,S)-Market under the Action of External Disturbances of the Random Value Type // Modern Scientific Researches.– 2020.– Iss. 13, Part 2.– P. 32–39.
(Published by:Yolnat PE, Minsk, Belarus., 2020)Stochastic linear models of the value of bonds and shares in the form of linear diffusion stochastic Gikhman-Ito differential equations are investigated. Algorithms for implementing ... -
Yurchenko I.V., Yasynskyy V.K. The existence of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals for stochastic differential-functional Ito-Skorokhod equations under the condition of the solutions stability on probability with finite aftereffect // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis.– 2018.– Vol.54, Iss.6.– P.957-970.
(Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2018)In the paper, it is established that Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals with definite properties exist for dynamic systems of random structure with finite prehistory and with the property of one or another probability stability. -
Zakarpackie rusiństwo – między etnicznością a separatyzmem
(Słupsk - Zielona Góra, 2012)У статті проаналізовано явище "політичного русинства". Проблема розглянута у кількох аспектах. Приділена увага спробам легітимізації русинів на міжнародному рівні як окремого народу. Проаналізовано перспективи створення ... -
Zu Merkmalen von gegenwärtigen kritischen Textausgaben des Neuen Testamentes
(Міжнародний гуманітарний університет, 2016)