Now showing items 471-490 of 10510

    • Fachsprache der WIRTSCHAFT. Фахова мова ЕКОНОМІКИ 

      Коропатніцька, Тетяна Петрівна; Материнська, Олена Валеріївна; Михайленко, Валерій Васильович (Чернівецький національний університет імені Юрія Федьковича, 2019-09-30)
      Навчально-методичний посібник для студентів галузі знань 035 „Філологія“ спеціальностей „Германській мови та літератури (німецька, англійська мови)“, „Переклад (з німецької, англійської мов)“ та галузі знань 07 „Управління ...
    • Fachtranslation : Theorie und Praxis 

      Заполовський, М.В. (Чернівецький національний університет імені Ю. Федьковича, 2017)
      Навчальне видання спрямоване на оволодіння теоретичним матеріалом із фахової комунікації та практику навичок усного і письмового перекладу. Основна увага приділяється глибокому засвоєнню та активізації фахової лексики через ...
    • Factors in the Fight against Corruption in the Context of Civil Society and the Rule of Law 

      Вдовічен, Віталій; Podorozhna, Tetiana; Vakariuk, Liudmyla (Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2019)
      The research analyzes the main conditions by having which the state is able to fight against corruption. The preconditions and means of fight against corruption are determined; the results of their implementation in life ...
    • Factors in the Fight against Corruption in the Context of Civil Society and the Rule of Law 

      Vdovichen, Vitalii (Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2019)
      The research analyzes the main conditions by having which the state is able to fight against corruption. The preconditions and means of fight against corruption are determined; the results of their implementation in life ...
    • Factors in the Fight against Corruption in the Context of Civil Society and the Rule of Law. 

      Vdovichen, Vitalii; Вдовічен, Віталій (Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2019)
      The research analyzes the main conditions by having which the state is able to fight against corruption. The preconditions and means of fight against corruption are determined; the results of their implementation in life ...
    • Factors of future teachers' motivation formation for the physical improvement 

      Нікула , Наталя Вікторівна, Natalia, Hakman, A., Andrieieva, O., Kashuba, V., Bezverkhnia, H., Tsybulska, V., Maievskyi, M., Osadchenko, T., Semenov, A., Kljus, O., Tsiuniak, O. Nikula (Baltic Journal Of Health And Physical Activity, 2021)
      T‪he article uses factor analysis to obtain an insight into the peculiarities of the motivation for physical improvement of students from the Faculty of Primary Education with different modes of attendance.
    • Factors of future teachers’ motivation formation for the physical improvement 

      Background: The article uses factor analysis to obtain an insight into the peculiarities of the motivation for physical improvement of students from the Faculty of Primary Education with different modes of attendance. Material ...
    • Features of Authenticity Development in Future Psychologists 

      Radchuk, Halyna; Adamska, Z; Oliinyk, Maria (2019)
      The article addresses an acute problem of contemporary psychology - theoretical and empirical study of authenticity development of psychology students. The articles describes awareness of authenticity of psychologists as ...
    • Features of contemporary migration of the population of Ukraine: dynamics, directions, scale, problem 

      Czapliński, Paweł; Dzhaman, Vasyl (2023-12-29)
      Population movement is an important factor in the socio-economic development of a country and its individual regions. Its geographical characteristics make it possible to identify, as quickly as possible, areas of depopulation ...
    • Features of distribution and causes of risk-oriented behavior among young people (by the example of psychoactive substances use) 

      Романів, Людмила Вікторівна (Journal of education, health, and sports, 2017)
      The aim of the present study was to investigate the university students’ views of possible situations and the reasons for the use of substances that can be addictive by their peers. So-called psychoactive substances ...
    • Features of formation of competitive advantages of restaurants in the international markets 

      Yemchuk, Tetiana; Arpul, Oksana (VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2019)
      The restaurant business, as a major component of the hospitality industry, consists of both powerful businesses that produce a variety of food products and small private businesses: restaurants, cafes, and ...
    • Features of formation of competitive advantages of restaurants in the international markets 

      Yemchuk, Tetiana; Arpul, Oksana (VUZF Publishing House “St. Grigorii Bogoslov”, 2019)
      Every year in the world there is a large number of new food establishments very diverse in their characteristics and methods of service. Chefs and restaurateurs must constantly come up with something new and unusual ...
    • Features of innovative management of reformatory changes in system of the land relations 

      ZRYBNIEVA, IRYNA; Zavolichna, Tetyana (The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 2017)
      In the article the authors investigated the state of land reform in Ukraine evaluated the prospects of its development following on from the experience of Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. An innovative algorithm of change ...
    • Features of interdisciplinarity of modern pedagogy 

      Романюк, Світлана (2022)
      The most important task of modern education is the formation of a highly developed personalitycapable of effectively assimilating knowledge, making non-standard decisions and thinking creatively. Modernization of the content ...
    • Features of Joint Work of Family and School in Maintaining Children’s Mental Health in War Conditions 

      Tsurkan, Taisiia (2022)
      The article highlights the importance of the concept of “mental health” and the “interaction between family and school”. Possibilities of art therapy in psychological help to children in the conditions of war are considered. ...
    • Features of legal regulation of tax incentives for small business in Post-Socialist Countries 

      Vakaryuk, Lyudmyla; Babin, Igor (Silesian Journal of Legal Studies, 2018)
      Small businesses are one of the main factors of political and social stability of society and national economy in the modern European states. However, small businesses are vulnerable to a number of factors (inflation, ...
    • Features of Legal Regulation of the Simplified Taxation System in Ukraine, Romania and Moldova 

      Vakaryuk, Lyudmyla; Babin, Igor (European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 2019)
      Small business is one of the main factors of the political and social stability of society and the national economy in modern European states. At the same time, small business is susceptible to a number of factors and ...

      ZRYBNIEVA, Iryna; Gavrysh, Iryna (Natural Science Readings: abstracts book, 2021-06-26)
      Services focused on human capital development are one of the most important in today's economic environment. Significant influence on the processes of economic growth not only at the individual but also at the macroeconomic ...

      Гавриш, Ірина (Natural Science Readings:abstracts book., 2021-06)