Українські професійні об’єднання педагогів Галичини та Буковини (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.): спроба порівняльного аналізу.
Dobrzhanskyi, Oleksandr
Шологон, Лілія
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Focusing on the professional teachers’ associations of Galicia and Bukovyna,
the author makes an attempt of comparative analysis and introduces a number of
previously unknown sources to discuss six professional pedagogical associations
established during the 1880s – early 20th century. The problems of public schools and
proper professional level of their teachers came in sight of “Rus Pedagogical Society”
(“Ukrainian Pedagogical Society”) in Galicia and the “Ruska Shkola” (“Ukrainian school”) 134 2022. № 68
in Bukovyna. “Mutual Aid of Ukrainian Teachers” and “Free Organization of Ukrainian
Teachers in Bukovyna” defended the professional interests of school teachers respectively.
Higher professional level of gymnasium teachers in Ukraine became a priority in the
activities of the “Teachers’ Community” and the Hryhoriy Skovoroda Society of Higher
School Teachers established in Lviv and Chernivtsi. Since Galicia and Bukovyna were
separate autonomous regions within Austria-Hungary, they had their own teachers’
associations with the similar mission. The difficulties faced by the schools of these two
regions were similar; however, they tackled them differently due to the specific political
As a result, the Ukrainian Pedagogical Society in Galicia had the most
significant achievements in the creation of the Ukrainian-language primary schools,
gymnasiums, teachers’ seminaries, courses for the illiterate and publishing activity,
while the pedagogical assiciations of Bukovyna managed to protect the professional
rights of teachers and achieve a significant increase in teachers’ salaries supported by
other public associations and political parties of the region.