Browsing Наукові праці by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 798
A reading of the linguistic turn through L. Wittgenstein’s philosophy
(2022)The article examines the role and place of L. Wittgenstein’s ideas in the formation of the linguistic turn in philosophy in terms of representative and communicative dimensions. There are contradictions in the explanation ... -
A systemic approach to the analysis of Slavic (Ukrainian and Polish) oikonymy from a diachronic perspective
(Wydawnictwo JAK, 2017)The article traces the formation of the oikonymic system, toponymic space and toponymic landscape, twenty-four place names of of Shchyrets povit in the Lviv Land Ruske Voivodeship over the 14th to the 15th centuries, using ... -
Accueillir l’Autre dans sa langue. La traduction comme dispositif de médiation
("Рута" Чернівецький національний університет ім. Ю.Федьковича, 2021) -
Actualization of the Pandemic Theme in I. Bergman Cinematic Narrative (intermedial cut of theparable film “The Seventh Seal”)
(Sjani, 2022)The theme of pandemic in arts (pestilence, plague, viruses) has always been quite relevant. Almost each generation that faced the similar catastrophes left rather detailed descriptions of such catastrophes in literary ... -
Allotropy as an Immanent Attribute of Historical Post-States
(Sjani, 2022)The issue of the “language of science” and terminology, which was actively regarded in terms of the “crisis of metaphysics” at the turn of the ХІХ–ХХ centuries, still remains insuf摚ciently investigated due to its ... -
Artistic reporting in Ukrainian print and online media (features of genre development)
(WYDAWNICTWO UNIWERSYTETU RZESZOWSKIEGO, 2021)The article examines the concept of literary reportage and the specificity of its functioning in Ukrainian printed and electronic media, with particular emphasis on the differences between traditional and ... -
Aspecte ale educației polilingve și multiculturale în Bucovina sec. XIX
(CEP USM, 2021)Many of the questions that emerged at the beginning of the third millennium in the context of globalization were constantly present in the socio-political discourse of the nineteenth century. Education in the spirit of ... -
Bukowinisch-Galizische Literaturstraße. Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit – für die Zukunft
(TimeTrain, 2022)Пропонуються вірші Лесі Українки та Рози Ауслендер з вибраними картинами Августи Кохановської -
Bukowinisch-Galizische Literaturstraße. Ein Blick in die Vergangenheit – für die Zukunft
( TimeTrain – Literarische Online-Sammlung, 2022)Представлено культурний проєкту «Буковинсько-галицький літературний шлях», який С був створений у 2016 році у співпраці з берлінським художнико мHelga von Loewenich. Наголошено на спробі повернути увагу місцевого населення ... -
Christian centrism in context of the postmodern paradigm of philosophy educational value strategies for education of student youth.
(2022)There is a theological and socio-philosophical understanding of the ideological and theoretical influence of the postmodern paradigm on tile formation of modern models of student’s youth education. Taking into account the ... -
Cinematic Code of Short Prose
(2022)The paper is motivated by new perspectives in expending the boundaries of the literary text analyses in the aspect of intermediality theory. The short story "Freeze-Frame" by Tatiana Belimova from the collection "Rose Jam" ... -
Clergy Social Activity During War Conditions: The Case of Western Regions of Ukraine
(2022)In this article, the authors analyze the impact of Russia-Ukraine war on church-religious life and the state of public consciousness in Ukraine and identify the main trends and contradictions in public reactions to threats ... -
Conceptual Shifts in the Post-Non-Classical Philosophical Understanding of Dialogue: Developing Cultural-Educational Space
(2022)In the scientific literature, there are accents that emphasize certain changes in the functioning of philosophy, which took place in connection with the establishment of the postulates of postmodernism as a new period in ... -
Cristianocentrism as an axiological platform for education in the context of the postmodern philosophical paradigm of youth policy.
(2021)The article provides a theological and cultural reflection of the ideological and theoretical influences of the postmodern paradigm of thinking on the formation of modern models of education and upbringing. The leading ... -
Deux modèles de littérature allemande insulaire, Prague et Czernowitz
(Institut d’études slaves (Sorbonne), 2022)Наведено паралелі та типологічні порівняння двох оригінальних мистецьких та естетичних феноменів - німецькомовної літератури Праги та Чернівців. Показано дві автономні моделі народження, розвитку і занепаду острівних ...