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dc.contributor.authorВозний, Ігор
dc.identifier.citationВозний І.П., Федорук А.В. Демографічна ситуація на теренах Чорнівського гнізда поселень Х – першої половини ХІІІ ст. // І Всеукраїнський археологічний з’їзд: матеріали роботи. – Київ : ІА НАН України, 2019. – С. 461 – 470.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractІ. P. Vozny, А. V. Fedoruk DEMOGRAPHIC SITUATION ON THE TERRITORY OF CHORNIV NEST SETTLEMENTS DURING 10th – EARLY 13th CENTURIES The article analyzes the possible number of people living on the territory of Chorniv nest settlement; the most investigated in Northern Bukovina, since modern historical demography needs data gained from archaeological materials. The main component of the development of villages and cities of ancient times is the estate, which is repeatedly mentioned in written sources. Chorniv nest settlement is a unique archaeological monument for demographic measurements. Since the cultural layer of settlements of this period is mostly not blocked by later deposits, therefore calculations can be carried out with the greatest probability. The basis of the calculations was taken from theoretical inquiry of P. Tolochka. Total resource zone of this nest, extended along Moshkov River, is about 7,000 hectares. It had a very favorable living condition. The history of the Chorniv nest began with a small settlement of the Prague culture of the 5th – 7th centuries, located on the first subterranean terrace of Ruly River. In the 8th – 10th centuries it expanded throughout the valley of the Moshkov River, and on its tributaries, a nest of Slavic settlements was formed, consisting of the economic-administrative center, seven villages and a burial mound, which formed agricultural community. The total area of settlements of the nest was 18.5 hectares, and accordingly the settlement was 9.25 hectares. It could have 46.25 estates with 92.5 homes. Chorniv community of the 8th – 10th centuries could have 555 inhabitants. In the late 10th century Bukovyna became a part of Kyiv state. During this period, as a result of the struggle of the central government with local separatism, mass extermination of old administrative and economic centers took place. The Chorniv settlement complex had also undergone changes. The nest of settlements collapsed. Local population moved below the flow of Moshkov River and formed a new settlement in Pust Chornivka, which became the center of a new Chorniv nest of settlement. In the middle of the 12th century, when Bukovyna became a member of Galician principality, the Chorniv nest of settlements grew again into eight settlements and the feudal castle. There could be about 92.5 homesteads, in which about 185 dwellings could function simultaneously. If we proceed from the average determination of the number of members of one family for 6 people, then we will find that 1110 peasants account for the entire nest of settlements, which was about 15.8 people per km2. This information corresponds with the data from other territories of Old Russian state. After the Mongol- Tatar invasion in the late 13th century, Chorniv nest collapsed. Survivors left the settlement and founded in the upper part of Moshkov River, covered with dense forests, the modern Chornivka, which was first mentioned in the feudal literature in 1412. Thus, as evidenced by the research, there were demographic shifts in the regions of Northern Bukovyna that characterizes the entire ancient Rus.uk_UA
dc.publisherКиїв : ІА НАН Україниuk_UA
dc.subjectresidential area,uk_UA
dc.subjectnest of settlementsuk_UA
dc.titleДемографічна ситуація на теренах Чорнівського гнізда поселень Х – першої половини ХІІІ ст.uk_UA

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