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dc.contributor.authorRudenko, Oksana Valeriivna
dc.contributor.authorVaitsekhovska, Oksana Romanivna
dc.description.abstractIL). The common features and differences between certain types of NCO in Ukraine and other countries of the Romano-Germanic legal family through the usage of the comparative legal method are described. The article reveals such types of obligations in PIL as: tort/delict obligations; obligations arising out of unjust enrichment; obligations arising out of damage caused by a product, work, service; culpa in contrahendo; negotiorum gestio. The article substantiates that NCO arise, first of all, between persons who are not in a contractual relationship, or between persons who are bound by a contract, but the damage is not caused in connection with a violation of contractual obligations. The article reveals the main provisions of conflict regulation of NCO. The issue of refusal to use the general collision binding of the place of harm (lex loci delicti commissi) is being studied.uk_UA
dc.publisherНауковий вісник УжНУ. Серія Право.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesВипуск 82.;Частина 1.
dc.subjectprivate international law, obligations, non-contractual obligations, collision bindings, tort/delict obligations; obligations arising out of unjust enrichment; obligations arising out of damage caused by a product, work, service; culpa in contrahendo; negotiorum gestio.uk_UA
dc.titlePeculiarities of regulation of various types of non-contractual obligations in the field of international private law.uk_UA

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