Browsing Наукові праці by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 387
General Boundary-Value Problem for Nonuniformly Parabolic Equations with Power Singularities
(Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2024)We investigate a general boundary-value problem for nonuniformly 2b -parabolic equations with degeneration. The coefficients of parabolic equations and boundary conditions admit power singularities of any order in any ... -
(2023)In paper the topological structure of generalized spaces of S type and the basic operations in such spaces was investigated. The question of quasi-analyticity (non-quasi-analyticity) of generalized spaces of S type was ... -
Generalized Spaces of Type S and Evolutionary Pseudodifferential Equations
(Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2022)We study the main operations (argument shift, differentiation, etc.) in the generalized spaces of type S and some classes of analytic functions and pseudodifferential operators in spaces of this kind, as well as the ... -
Holtsmark Fluctuations of Nonstationary Gravitational Fields
(2021)We construct Holtsmark distributions of nonstationary fluctuations of the local interactions of moving objects for a system in which the action of gravitation influence is governed by a power law. We deduce a pseudodifferential ... -
(Інститут цифровізації освіти НАПН України, 2022-10-26)The global pandemic COVID-19, which began in 2020, has brought about new challenges to Ukraine’s higher and postgraduate education institutions. Despite the previous experience of providing online education courses, one ... -
Hyperbolic Systems in Gelfand and Shilov Spaces
(Springer, 2020)For systems hyperbolic in Shilov’s sense whose coefficients are continuous functions of time, we study the properties of the Green function in S-type spaces. For systems of this kind in the indicated spaces, we prove that ... -
Integral manifolds and the reduction principle for neutral functional-differential equations
(Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2016-12-12)We prove the reduction principle for investigating the stability of zero solution of a nonlinear differential equation of neutral type in the critical case. The problem is reduced to the investigation of the zero solution ... -
Internal and Startup Controls of the Solutions of Boundary-Value Problem for Parabolic Equations with Degenerations
(Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2023)For a second-order parabolic equation with degenerations, we construct the solution of the problem of optimal control for systems described by the first boundary-value problem with internal and startup controls. The ... -
Iнтегрованi завдання з математики та iнформатики – ефективний засiб навчання математики у старшiй школi
(2023)Матерiали мiжнародної наукової конференцiї, присвяченої 55-рiччю факультету математики та iнформатики, 28–30 вересня 2023 р. -
Iнтегровані уроки в закладах загальної середньої освіти
(Чернівецький національний університет ім. Ю.Федьковича, 2023) -
Local Polya fluctuations of Riesz gravitational fields and the Cauchy problem
(2023)We consider a pseudodifferential equation of parabolic type with a fractional power of the Laplace operator of order a ∈ (0; 1) acting with respect to the spatial variable. This equation naturally generalizes the well-known ... -
Localization of Objects in 3D Space by Using a Stereoscopic Video System
(Technical University of Moldova, 2021)This article describes two implementation models of an artificial vision for specific tasks of localization of objects in three-dimensional space using a stereoscopic system of two cameras. The periscopic model provides ... -
(2021)Для класичних розв’язків однієї доточкової за часом {p,h}-параболічної задачі з додатним родом, які на початковій гіперплощині можуть мати узагальнені граничні значення типу розподілів Гельфанда і ... -
Localization Property for Regular Solutions of the Cauchy Problem for a Fractal Equation of the Integral Form
(Springer, 2021)We consider a fractal equation of the integral form with Bessel fractional integrodifferential operator and a positive parameter. In a part of the initial hyperplane, where the limit value has good properties, we establish ... -
Lukashiv T.O., Yurchenko I.V., Yasynskyy V.K. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Stability in the Quadratic Mean of Linear Stochastic Partial Differential-Difference Equations Subject to External Perturbations of the Type of Random Variables // Cybernetics and System Analysis.– 2020.– Vol. 56, Iss. 2.– P.303–311.
(Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2020)It is obtained the necessary and sufficient conditions for the stability in the mean square of the strong solutions of stochastic differential-difference equations with partial derivatives with pairwise independent external ... -
(2022)The authors consider the basic stages of creating a computer system for decisionmaking support in ecological security. The key factors of environmental pollution caused by ecological and technological catastrophes and ... -
Methodological features of the use of intersctive methods in conducting lessons and assessing students’ knowledge of mathematics in high school. IV Міжнародна науково-практична Інтернет-конференція «Математика та інформатика в науці й освіті: виклики сучасності», присвячена 90-річчю кафедри математики та інформатики (Вінниця, 25-26 травня 2023 року): збірник тез [Електронний ресурс]. Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2023. С. 244-246. (Науковий керівник – Боднарук С.Б.)
(IV Міжнародна науково-практична Інтернет-конференція «Математика та інформатика в науці й освіті: виклики сучасності», присвячена 90-річчю кафедри математики та інформатики (Вінниця, 25-26 травня 2023 року): збірник тез [Електронний ресурс]. Вінниця: ВНТУ, 2023. С. 244-246., 2023-06)Methodological features of the use of interactive methods in mathematics lessons in the high school of the Academy of Sciences were considered. The possibility of evaluating students' knowledge of mathematics using interactive ... -
Metrizability of partial metric spaces
(Topology and its Applications, 2022-03-01)We analyze relationship between partial metric spaces and several generalized metric spaces. -
Metrizability of partial metric spaces
(Elsevier, 2022) -
Modeling of different scenarios for the spreadof COVID-19 by using the cellular automata
(IEEE, 2022-09-26)n this research, we used the method of mobile cellular automata to study the dynamics of COVID-19. A number of simulation scenarios that take into account different quarantine restrictions are considered and compared. The ...