Browsing Наукові праці by Title
Now showing items 85-104 of 387
Reduction of boundary value problems to difference and differential-difference equations
(Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 2003-01)We reduce boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems of differential equations to difference and differential-difference equations. We construct the domain of stability for a linear autonomous differential equation ... -
Schemes of approximation of linear systems with delay and analysis of their stability
(Чернівецький національний університет, 2023-09-28)This paper investigates the application of approximation schemes for differential-difference equations to construct algorithms for the approximate finding of nonsymptotic roots of quasipolynomials and their application ... -
Sikora V.S. Minimal Generators Systems for Groups of Automatic Permutations // International Scientific Periodical Journal "SWorldJournal".– 2021.– Issue 7, Part 2.– P.48-55.– Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov, Bulgaria.
(Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov, Bulgaria., 2021)У статті досліджується питання побудови системи твірних для групи фінітних автоматних підстановок, доведено теорему про можливість побудови незвідної системи твірних скінченної метасиметричної групи. -
Sikora V.S. On Systems Of Generators Of Automaton Permutation Groups // International Scientific Periodical Journal "SWorldJournal".– 2022.– Issue 11, Part 2.– P.38–44.– Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov (Bulgaria) jointly with SWorld.
(Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov (Bulgaria) jointly with SWorld., 2022-01)Systems of induced generating actions of automaton permutation groups on words of length r are investigated. A family of irreducible systemsof generators is constructed, and the cardinality of ... -
Solving Boundary Value Problems For Linear Neutral Delay Differential-Difference Equations Using a Spline Collocation Method
(2022-08)In this work, an iterative scheme using cubic splines with defect two is considered for a boundary value problem for neutral delay linear differential-difference equations. -
Student faculty in computer sciences and STEM-education
(SWorldJournal, 2023)Досліджено роль STEM-освіти в шкільному факультативі з інформатики -
The Cauchy problem and distribution of local fluctuations of one Riesz gravitational field
(2022)In the class of discontinuous unbounded initial functions with an integrable singularity, we consider the Cauchy problem for the pseudodifferential equation of local action of moving objects in the corresponding Riesz ... -
The Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Equations with Degeneration
(Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2020)For a second-order parabolic equation, the multipoint in time Cauchy problem is considered. The coefficients of the equation and the boundary condition have power singularities of arbitrary order in time and space variables ... -
The lateral order on Riesz spaces and orthogonally additive operators
(Springer, 2021)The paper contains a systematic study of the lateral partial order ⊑ in a Riesz space (the relation x⊑y means that x is a fragment of y) with applications to nonlinear analysis of Riesz spaces. We introduce and study lateral ... -
The Multifrequency Systems with Linearly Transformed Arguments and Multipoint and Local-Integral Conditions
(Tiraspol State University, Respublica Moldova, 2022-08-24)For the multifrequency system of equations with linear delays and multipoint and integral conditions, the existence and uniqueness of the solution in space is proved. The method of averaging over fast variables is ... -
Using github classroom for student education.
(Математика та iнформацiйнi технологiї, 28–30 вересня 2023 р. : Матерiали мiжнародної наукової конференцiї, присвяченої 55-рiччю факультету математики та iнформатики, Чернівці, 2023-09-28) -
Volumetric potential of the Cauchy problem for parabolic equations with negative genus and variable coefficients
(ЧНУ, 2023)Досліджено властивості об’ємниого потенцiалу задачi Кошi для параболiчних рiвнянь з вiд’ємним родом i змiнними коефiцiєнтами -
Yasynskyy V.K., Yurchenko I.V. Mean-Square Stability and Instability Criteria for the Gikhman–Ito Stochastic Diffusion Functional Differential Systems Subject to External Disturbances of the Type of Random Variables // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis.– 2023.– Vol.59, N2.– P.283–295.
(Springer Nature, 2023-03)Mean-Square Stability and Instability Criteria for the Gikhman–Ito Stochastic Diffusion Functional Differential Systems Subject to External Disturbances of the Type of Random Variables. -
Yasynskyy V.K., Yurchenko I.V. On the existence of optimal control for stochastic functional differential equations under the influence of external disturbances // Cybernetics and System Analysis.– 2024.– Vol.60, №3.– P.462-471.
(Springer Nature, 2024-05)The authors discuss the comparison theorem for solutions of stochastic functional differential equations subject to external disturbances and its application to a stochastic control problem. -
Yasynskyy, V.K., Yurchenko, I.V. Existence of the Solution to the Cauchy Problem for Nonlinear Stochastic Partial Differential-Difference Equations of Neutral Type // Cybernetics and Systems Analysis.– 2021.– Vol.57.– No.5.– P.764–774.
(Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2021)The authors consider the existence of the solution to the Cauchy problem in the class of nonlinear stochastic partial differential-difference equations of neutral type, with regard for random external perturbations independent ... -
Yurchenko I.V. Existence of l-moment of the Strong Solution of Stochastic Integral Differential Ito-Volterra Equation // The International Scientific Periodical Journal "SWorldJournal".– 2021.– Issue №8, Part 2.– Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov, Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria.– P.27-34.
(Published by: SWorld & D.A. Tsenov, Academy of Economics, Svishtov, Bulgaria., 2021)In this article the existence of l-moment of the strong solution of stochastic integral differential Ito-Volterra equation is proved in the case of Wiener disturbances and Poisson switchings. -
Yurchenko I.V. Feature Detection Methods in Image Recognition Problems on Python // International Scientific Conference “Modern Systems of Science and Education in the USA, EU and Postsoviet Countries ‘2021”. Conference Proceedings (February, 2021).– «ISE&E» & SWorld in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, USA.– P.25-28.
(«ISE&E» & SWorld in conjunction with KindleDP Seattle, Washington, USA., 2021-02)It is described an implementation of the “Histogram of Oriented Gradients” (HOG) feature detecting algorithm; the construction of classifiers for machine learning problems is considered and Python language tools (Scikit-Learn ... -
Yurchenko I.V. The existence of the solution of the Cauсhi problem for nonlinear stochastic partial differential-difference equations of neutral type with random external perturbances // Scientific World Journal.– 2022.– Issue №13, Part 1.– P.54–64.– Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov, Bulgaria (jointly with SWorld).
(Published by Academy of Economics named after D.A. Tsenov, Bulgaria (jointly with SWorld), 2022-05)The question of the existence of a solution of the Cauchy problem in the class of nonlinear stochastic differential-difference equations of neutral type in partial derivatives with respect to ...