Stokes-correlometric differentiation of polarization-heterogeneous images of biological tissues and some legal aspects of the use of early diagnosis of diseases
This research contains the results:
1. of the method of Stokes-correlometric mapping, the physical processes of changes in optical anisotropy
(distribution of optical axis directions and phase modulation) of biological structured (kidney) and
parenchymal (liver) tissues of rat internal organs, which are caused by systemic pathology (diabetes), were
identified and analyzed as part of a statistical analysis.
2. of the most sensitive parameters (statistical moments of the 1st – 4th orders of magnitude, the correlation
moment of the 4th order) to changes in the distribution structure of the magnitude and phase of the SCS of the
3rd and 4th parameters of the “two-point” parameter of the Stokes polarization heterogeneous microscopic
images of histological sections of healthy and diabetic rat kidney and liver tissues.
3. of social and legal aspects of implementation of methods for early diagnosis of systemic diseases in public