Українсько-румунські взаємини на Буковині в ХІХ – на початку ХХ ст.
The article analyzes the relations between two largest ethnic groups of
Bukovina: Ukrainians and Romanians in the nineteenth and early twentieth centu-
ries. It is noted that both national projects set the ultimate goal of association with
the rest of the ethnic lands (respectively, Ukrainian and Romanian) in an independ-
ent state. This was particularly evident in the fall of 1918, when the Ukrainians took
power in Northern Bukovina and proclaimed the unification of Eastern Galicia,
Northern Bukovina and Transcarpathia in the independent Western-Ukrainian
People’s Republic. However, the Romanian politicians put forward the slogan that
all Bukovina should be a part of Romania and contributed to the occupation of the
region by the Romanian troops. As a result, the national rights of the Ukrainians
were grossly violated; the Ukrainian ethnic territories of Northern Bukovina fell un-
der the control of the royal Romania for twenty years.