Universality and Modern Individuality Civilization Paradigm in The Field of Human Rights: Dialogue vs Conflict
Chepel, Olha
Karvatska, Svitlana
Zamorska, Lyubov
Gnatuyk, Tetyana
Prodan, Iryna
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The article gives reason to say, that the key point of globalization in the field of human rights is the
universalization of this area. The universalization of human rights is a key trend, but not the only, in
their development. Human rights as universal moral principles specification are the rules on which
peaceful coexistence of individuals and different cultures in terms of global problems is possible. Such
an approach allows to solve the seemingly irreconcilable contradiction between the positions of the
universalism of human rights and cultural identity pluralism: the right to cultural identity is a significant
individual right. There should be a critical approach to the thesis of the insurmountable fundamentality
of cultural differences between Eastern and Western cultures. It is necessary to distinguish between
situations of imposing Western standards on other cultures and the real importance and universality
of human rights for the modern world. Cultural diversity should never be used as an excuse for
chauvinistic nationalism. It is intercultural dialogues that should facilitate fruitful exchanges of ideas
on human rights issues in the perspective of cultural diversity and become the basis for the formation
of a dialogical civilization. Contemporary human rights discourse has to take place in the context of a
global world order emergence through the juxtaposition of concepts such as universality, cultural
diversity and cultural dialogue