Development of Forest Industry of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn Region in the Interwar Period
Короткий опис(реферат)
Forest resources of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn County have long played an
important role in the life of the local population. During 1918–1940, the forest branch of the
region occupied one of the leading positions in all industry. In particular, during the investigated
period there was an expansion of production and an increase in the number of enterprises (from
32 to 48).
Among the most important enterprises in the logging, sawmilling, furniture, pulp and paper
subsectors of Northern Bukovyna and Khotyn region, which operated between the two world
wars were: Joint-Stock Company f. Wood Industry «Goetz», «Forestiera», E.H. Friedmann,
Engel & Glasberg Sawmill, a furniture factory «Ant», «Nikolaus Zajacskowski & Sons, Barrels
Factory with Electric Power», a factory for the production of wooden nails «Astra», a paper
factory «Biedermann and Kindler», Wallpaper and Paper Bags Factory «Tapa» Limited Liability
Company in Chernivtsi.