Інтенсивність сполучуваності лексико-семантичних груп прикметників з лексико-семантичними групами іменників у художньому стилі сучасної англійської.
Короткий опис(реферат)
The article is dedicated to the study of combinability of adjectives with lexical-semantic groups (LSG) of nouns in the belle-lettres style. The object of the investigation is syntactical combinability of adjectives with nouns, the subject is statistically meaningful ties on the syntactical level. The goal is the investigation of the intensity of combinability of adjectives with lexical-semantic groups of nouns. Topicality. Syntactical combinability was studied by us in the publicistic and scientific styles but has not been investigated in the belle-lettres style. In our study the statistical method was used such as χ² - which shows presence or absence of a tie. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors which influence the force of a tie were investigated. A special attention was given to the influence of the functional style on the combinability of adjectives with nouns on the syntactical level.