On Some Peculiarities of the Development of Legal Education and Jurisprudence in Bucovina in 1918-1940.
Toronchuk, Ivan
Hrekul-Kovalyk, Tetiana
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
In western Ukraine, the formation of academic law community, as a vanguard of domestic science and education, is indispensably related to the Chemivtsi University. Being a center of educational, scientific and cultural activities, it generated ■he ancient traditions of the world s jurisprudence, as well as the powerful areal ideas that resulted from Bukovina's experience of being a part of four different states: Austro-Hungary, Romania, the USSR, and Ukraine. The leading faculty scholars, who •ook port in traditional methodological seminars, presenting profound and interesting reports, stipulated the formation of new schools of Philosophy of Law, Theory of Law, Financial Law, as well as promoted the development of the old ones. Those seminars also made up for the implementation of scientific programs of various levels.
The purpose of the article is to carry out a complex scientific analysis of the development of legal education end jurisprudence in Bucovina during the interwar period (1918-1940).