Browsing Наукові праці by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1519
A closer look at private law methodology
(Підприємництво, господарство і право, 2021)The purpose of this article is to substantiate the influence of the methodology of private law on the processes of law-making and law enforcement. Pursuing the goal of presenting broad coverage of the issue, the authors ... -
A closer look at private law methodology
(Підприємництво, господарство і право, 2021)The purpose of this article is to substantiate the influence of the methodology of private law on the processes of law-making and law enforcement. Pursuing the goal of presenting broad coverage of the issue, the authors ... -
Accesul la justiție în jurisprudența curții Europene a drepturilor omului și a curții de justiție a Uniunii Europene
(Право – дієвий засіб перемоги України у війні з рф: аналітика, оцінки, прогнози: міжнародна колективна монографія / за заг. ред. Бисаги Ю.М., Бєлова Д.М., Берч В.В., Дешко Л.М., Заборовського В.В. та Продан В.І. Ужгород: Видавничий дім «РІК-У», 2023, 2023) -
(VIEŠOJI POLITIKA IR ADMINISTRAVIMAS PUBLIC POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION, 2022)This study covers topical issues of the modern state formation in Ukraine.The study was aimed at investigating the interrelations between individuals and subjects of public administration in the context of modernisation ... -
Administrative Appeal as an Out-Of-Court Procedure for the Protection of the Rights of Individuals and Legal Entities
(European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 2019)In administrative law, there are two major ways of contesting allegedly unlawful decisions/acts: the administrative appeal and the judicial review (court action). While the administrative appeal is an attempt to solve the ... -
Administrative procedures in the field of local taxation
(European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 2018)In the article analyzes the features of administrative procedures in the local taxation system. It’s determined that at the present stage of development of our state, the unconditional fact is that the development of the ... -
Administrative responsibility and administrative coercion: a synergistic effect of interaction
(Angel Kanchev University of Ruse, 2022)Taking into account the synergistic effect of the interaction of administrative responsibility and administrative coercion in the system of protection of human rights and freedoms, ensuring public order helps to ... -
Alfred Halban. Co daje nauce prawoznawstwo porównawcze?
(2023-07-25)Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza działalności naukowej i pedagogicznej Alfreda von Halbana, polskiego polityka i działacza społecznego, historyka prawa, którego kształtowanie się jako naukowca rozpoczęło się na Uniwersytecie ... -
Anaximander of Miletus: the Axiological Expression of Justice
(2017-11-02)The phenomenon of justice, as an axiologically indispensable feature of society, has always drawn attention of numerous generations of thinkers, who tried to reveal the most topical ontological needs of humanity in their ... -
Appearance of Presumptions and Fictions in Tax Law// In Honorem Flavius Antoniu Baias: aparenţa în drept/ vol. coord. de: AdrianaAlmăşan, Ioana Vârsta, Cristina Elisabeta Zamşa. – Bucureşti
(Editura Hamangiu, 2021)The appearance of presumptions and fictions in law is associated with such property as formal certainty. For tax law, formal certainty is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that tax law is a public branch ... -
Application of the Principle of Good Governance in the Activities of the European Court of Human Rights
(LUMEN,LUMEN Media Ltd., 2020)Basedonthemethodologyofperformingaxiologicalandlogical-gnoseologicalanalysisofjuridicallysignificantfactors, thearticleunderdiscussionpresentsapartialinvestigationofthepracticalapplicationofoneofthemostfundamentalprincip ... -
Argumentarea deciziilor curților constituționale: o problemă discutabilă în știința dreptului constituțional.
(Modern science: theory and practice of applying the latest paradigm. Collective monograph, 2023) -
Argumentarea în deciziile Curții Constituționale Federale Germaniei și Curții Constituționale a Romaniei.
(International scientific and practical conference «A new task of legal science in Ukraine and in the countries of the European Union», 2020-12-18)Aspectul diferențiat al argumentului constituțional este evident atunci când este bazat pe un concept pragmatic. Conceptul material, în loc să se ocupe de aspectele logice și formale interne ale deciziei, își propune să ... -
Aspectele problematice ale separării jurisdicției administrative de alte tipuri de jurisdicții judiciare în Ucraina
(Revista Universul Juridic, 2021-06)This article examines the procedure for distinguishing administrative jurisdiction from other judicial jurisdictions. Scientific approaches to this issue are analyzed, as well as current case law on the unequal application ... -
Auslegung internationaler verträge: die rolle des “kontextes“ und der “weitere praxis“ der parteien
(SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF POLONIA UNIVERSITY, 2021)Dieser Artikel zielt darauf ab, die weitere Praxis und nachfolgende Vereinbarungen als objektiven Beweis für das Verständnis von den Parteien der Bedeutung des Vertrags zu analysieren, das für seine Auslegung von wesentlicher ... -
Category of Equity in the Context of the Luxury Tax Implementation// European Journal of Law and Public Administration
(Lumen Publishing Houseon, 2019)The luxury tax is one of the most discussed taxes to make possible the introduction of a policy of social equity, which is extremely relevant and in demand. It is worth noting that the category of ... -
Category «misdemeanour» in criminal and administrative liability
(Universitatea „Ovidius” Constanţa, 2023)The article deals with the problem of introducing a criminal offense into national legislation. The authors analyzes the category of "misdemeanor" in criminal and administrative liability. Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation ... -
Challenges in Rolling out the Framework of Categories and Concepts of Tax Code of Ukraine in Terms of “Tax Liability” Categor
(Silesian Journal of Legal Studies, 2017)Tax liability is one of the primary taxation law categories. It was originally implemented by the Law of Ukraine “On Value Added Tax” and later spread to all specific legal types of tax by the Law of Ukraine “On the ...