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dc.contributor.authorHulias, Inesa Antonivna
dc.contributor.authorHoian, Ihor Mykolayovych
dc.identifier.issnISSN 2663-970Х (PRINT)
dc.identifier.issn2664-6005 (ONLINE)
dc.description.abstractThe article deals with an empirical study of the fea-tures of axiopsychological design of the life achieve-ments of students – the future representatives of the “man-technique” profession (n=105). The impor-tance of the issue under consideration was substan-tiated, and an empirical study was carried out. The concept of “axiopsychological design of an individ-ual’s life fulfilment” was defined. It is noted that the understanding of the peculiarities of value design by the educators will allow the operationalization of addressing the tasks of educational and professional training of students in higher education institutions. Thepurposeofthearticle is to identify and reveal the predominant factors in the life fulfilment of sen-ior students. Researchmethods: testing according to standardized questionnaires, quantitative analysis of the results of descriptive statistics, and factor analysis. Results. Factor analysis assisted in determining the structure of personal life fulfilment of modern youth. Ten factors, among which F1 “Masculine traits in achieving success” (10.38%) and F2 “Self-efficacy dispo-sition” (9.62%) are key predictors of the process, were distinguished. The relationships between the compo-nents of each factor were specified. It was established the components of factors that have a negative load, which means their absence or low level of development, and hence “inhibit” the process of value design of young people, among them: “flexibility”, “self-regulation”, and “independence”. Conclusions. In order to eliminate “vulnerabilities” in the design of projects and the imple-mentation of plans by senior students, we recommend paying attention to the aspects related to a better under-standing of oneself, awareness of one’s problems, needs and motives, experiences, developing a positive atti-tude toward oneself and self-confidence, and forming adequate self-esteem, which will ultimately contribute to the processes of self-regulation and allow achieving goals under educational and professional tasks, and in the future – in all spheres of life.uk_UA
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Psychologyuk_UA
dc.publisherHelvetica Publishing Houseuk_UA
dc.subjectstructure of factors of personal life fulfilmentuk_UA
dc.titleExplication of factors of the axiopsychological design of life achievements of modern youthuk_UA

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