Реверсія уявного: інтертекстуальність персоносфери як чинник жанрової метаморфності роману Кліффорда Саймака «Резервація гоблінів»
Короткий опис(реферат)
Based on Jean Baudrillard’s methodology on the beginning of the era of
hyperreality as the “world of simulation”, the article under discussion substantiates the expansion of
science fiction horizons by means of “reversing the imaginary”. The latter notion is mostly marked
with the inter-penetration of fictional worlds, which are genealogically revealed only in their
connection with new genre forms. Particular emphasis in the “hyperreal indifference” of science
fiction narratives has been laidonintertextual ties. The article updates the issue of intertextual potential
of the personosphere of science fiction and fantasy, which, according to TzvetanTodorov,
presupposes “reader’s active integration into the world of characters”. In this way, the specifics of
including the “fantasy” characters of Shakespeare’s plays into the intertextual space of science fiction
has been analyzed