Діалог з Іншим крізь призму екзистенційного досвіду автора у сучасній українській поезії (Сергій Жадан "Життя Марії")
Короткий опис(реферат)
Relying on the methodologies of M. Bakhtin, M. Buber, P. Ricœur, and W. Schmid,
the article under studies analyzes Serhiy Zhadan’s collection The Life of Mary (2015). It points
out that various (post)-traumatic autobiographic existentials, caused by war and revealed in
poetic narratives (freedom, hatred, fear, understanding, love, nostalgia, guilt, injustice, death),
provoke a dialogue with “the Other”, which may be implemented at a few levels. Firstly, the
book by Zhadan has a double intertextual frame – the poetry by Rainer Maria Rilke and
Czesław Miłosz. Secondly, the textual imitations of dialogic structure in the collection do not
only reveal lyrical images and emotions, but also present stories and events through modeling
different ways of conducting a conversation, dialogue, and storytelling, in particular through
the use of zeugma, direct and indirect speech, retelling, and appeals to „the Other”. The third
level outlines the dialogue with characters, including transitory sacred images (Mary, Jesus,
Magdalene, Thomas), as well as people of different social groups. A dialogue with the reader
is exercised through paratext, which is an eloquent hermeneutical key; through the intellectual
game of the author and the reader in the course of decoding the meta-logical series; through
direct appeals to the recipient, imperative constructions that model the process of storytelling.