Горн кінця XV – початку XVI ст. із старої частини м. Чернівців
Калініченко, Віталій
Ільків, Микола
Пивоваров, Сергій
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
In 2014 the remains of a one-chamber pottery kiln
were investigated on the high left bank of Ruda River
in the old part of Chernivtsi. The southern part of the
construction was destroyed by a landslide. Fragments
of the several dozen vessels and the coin of Stefan cel
Mare 1480-1504 were found in the kiln. Shapes of the
nine pots and jugs were restored. The structure of the
pottery kiln, the morphology of the pottery and the numismatic find allow to date the complex with the end of
the 15th – the beginning of the 16th century.