Онтологическая аллегория на поэтическом «холсте» стихотворения Владислава Ходасевича «Слепой».
The poem by Vladislav Khodasevich The Blind (1922-1923) is regarded in this article
in the context of its creation, the highest point of which was the émigré page
friendship with Andrei Bely. The Blind has been written due to the theoretical debates
on poetry that constantly occurred between the two poets. Khodasevich saw the life
of any creative person as a "lyrical improvisation" of being, whereas the questions that
life posed to him, he mostly covered in a dramatic plot, thereby offering the reader
a capacious metanarrative, The Blind (in a stanza format-nine-line nona) being a very
vivid example. In accordance with the principle of dichotomy, the helplessness of
a blind person is described through the co-presence of a sighted person who is deprived
of any
definite emotion. In this way, the "possible world" of the poem consists of two
worlds, forming consequently a certain receptive impression. "Conceptual ordering"
(the term introduced by Claude Lévi-Strauss) is manifested in all the poetological
parameters of the text (meter, rhyme order, vocabulary, figures, etc.). The Ukrainian
(B. Bunchuk), German (Kay Borowsky) and English (Peter Daniels) translations of the
poem reveal the receptive resource of The Blind, which in its genre parameters is close
to the eclogue.