Monitoring the morphological and functional state of students during the transition from middle to high school during the physical education process
Andrieieva, Olena
Yarmak, Olena
Palchuk, Mariia
Гауряк, Елена
Dotsyuk, Lidiia
Горащенко, Александр
Kushnir, Iryna
Galan, Yaroslav
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Background: This study substantiates and defines organizational and methodological conditions to ensure the
continuity of the physical education process during the transition from middle to high school. Materials and
methods: The purpose of this study was to develop organizational and methodological conditions to ensure the
continuity of physical education of schoolchildren during the transition from middle to high school by taking
into account the results of pedagogical control of their physical condition. To achieve set goals and objectives
and to obtain accurate research results, the following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis, survey,
anthropometric and physiological methods, methods for determining the physical performance level, method for
estimating somatic health, pedagogical methods of research, and methods of mathematical statistics. Results of
the study: On the basis of holistic scientific analysis and to adequately plan educational materials, the main
approaches for the differentiation of physical education tools were identified according to the functional
capabilities of students during the transition from middle to high school. It was established that after a long
period of rest (i.e., summer vacation) there was a decrease in the indicators of the functional state of respiratory
system (e.g., vital capacity of lungs and duration of breath-holding on inhalation and exhalation), physical
qualities (strength, speed, endurance, speed-strength), and physical performance of schoolchildren. Therefore, it
is necessary to improve the content and structure of physical education during the transition from educational
(middle school) to the terminative stage of specific orientation (high school). Conclusions: A slowdown in agerelated growth was revealed; in some cases, a decrease in absolute values was observed compared to previous
measurements after winter and summer holidays.