Розвідки в околицях місцезнаходження Мамаївського скарбу бронзових виробів
In 1953 in the farmyard of Novosilka village (modern Mamayivtsi) by random circumstances deposit of bronze ware was found. According to eyewitnesses, there were more than three dozen ornamented and not ornamented bracelets and one or two spearheads in a ceramic bowl. The morphology of findings (two bracelets) indicates clearly the Early Hallstatt period (Ha A). This deposit was hidden in the synchronous settlement, which was the part of a large accumulation of archeological monuments. The settlements are mainly concentrated along the left high bank of Paleosovytsya River (second terrace of Prut River), which in late and final stages of the Bronze Age performed by one of the links of the Siret-Dniester way.