Українська книга як засіб національно-культурного відродження 1917-1920 рр.: аспект державної підтримки друку
Короткий опис(реферат)
У статті розглянуто розвиток українського книговидання 1917–1920 рр., а
також заходи різних урядів на його підтримку, проаналізовано їхню результативність.
The author of the article studies the processes taking place in publishing in Ukraine at the
time of Ukrainian revolution, analyzes positive and negative tendencies, problems, failures and
factors that caused them. The author sets and carries out the tasks to analyze the situation with
national publishing in the 1917–1920s, to formulate the key-aspects in publishing sphere of state
policy of different governments, to specify the results of government programs implementation.
The beginning of the 1917th witnesses stormy growth of national publishing if compared with
previous years, no matter which politicians came to power.
All the pro-Ukrainian governments understood the importance of printed word for national
statehood development and made every offort to support Ukrainian publishing, paying special
attention to schoolbooks and belles-lettres. Notwithstanding extreme financial situation, the
majority of governments tried to support publishing houses, facilitating the development of
Ukrainian-language book publishing not only in the country itself, but beyond its borders as well.
The author of the article states, that the 1918-1919s were the most fruitful years for Ukrainian
language book publishing due to well-thought-out protectionist policy of Ukrainian governments
in the times of Central Council (Rada) and Hetmanship . Starting with 1919 one can obser ve the
growth of Russian-language printed products segment and in 1920 its development becomes
stable. This is the period when Bolsheviks came to power.