Hakman, Anna
Medvid, Anzhela
Mindrescu, V
Bamburak, V
Yakobchuk, D
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
Modern students have a lack of motor activity. One of the reasons is the pandemic, during
which classes are prohibited in gyms, swimming
pools and other sports facilities. Higher education
institutions have partially or completely switched
to distance learning, which only increases the
lack of students' motor activity. In the conditions
of forced hypodynamia, maintaining physical
shape is an important aspect for the prevention
of physical and mental health disorders. The goal
of our research is to theoretically substantiate the
peculiarities of motor activity of student youth in
terms of distance learning. Research methods:
theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis, synthesis, deduction and
generalization. Research findings. In the context
of the introduction of quarantine measures, the
basis of physical education of students are independent classes using all possible types of motor
activity. Exercise daily will improve your physical
and mental health, ensure the maintenance of
physical fitness and strengthen your health and
immune system. Distance education has the
right to exist alongside full-time education and to
be its logical combination and complementarity.
It has significant opportunities in the steadiness
and regularity of students' independent work,
gives them the right to choose the type of physical culture and sports activities and free choice of
time for classes, equal rights to involve students
with varying degrees of health problems. One
of the key disadvantages of distance learning
is that for those disciplines that are mastered by
future physical education teachers, it is important
to control the technique, intensity of exercise
and control over the physical condition and wellbeing of students. Conclusions. There are certain guidelines on which one should to rely: the
quality of this type of education depends on the
self-organization of the student and the desire of
the teacher to improve their professional skills.
Distance physical education classes help to form
a more extensive theoretical baggage, promote
preservation of health, motivate to a healthy lifestyle only with a high level of conscious self-organization, self-discipline and student motivation.