Показати скорочений опис матеріалу

dc.contributor.authorВозний, Ігор
dc.identifier.citationВозний І.П. Елементи язичництва в духовній культурі населення літописної «Оукраины Галичской» у ХІІ – першій половині ХІІІ ст. // Religions and beliefs of Rus’ (9th – 16th centuries). Publications from the 8th Intenational Scientific Conference, Lviv, 15th – 18th November, 2017. – Krakow, 2018. – S. 179-193.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIhor Vozny, Paganism elements in spiritual culture of population in the Northern Bukovyna during the 12th – early 13th centuries The article deals with the problems of the spiritual culture of the population of the Northern Bukovyna during the period of developed medieval times. The question of the evolution of paganism and Christianity, their interpenetration and mutual influence is of no less importance. On the territory of the Northern Bukovyna as a result of archaeological research there were obtained materials to some extent indicate that after the adoption of Christianity pagan beliefs that come from ancient times and later became the basis of all world religions slowly retreated under the pressure of the new faith. Several settlements built in previous times and pagan shrines founded in Old Rus’ period continued to operate in the researched area at this period. The ancient pagan ritual of „builder sacrifice” is traced under the foundation of the feudal housing on the site in Chornivka. Archaeological materials confirm and complement the complex picture of the spiritual life in the Northern Bukovyna to the present days.uk_UA
dc.publisherKrakow, 2018uk_UA
dc.subjectдуховна культураuk_UA
dc.titleЕлементи язичництва в духовній культурі населення літописної «Оукраины Галичской» у ХІІ – першій половині ХІІІ ст.uk_UA

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Показати скорочений опис матеріалу