Sacrality in Modern Ukrainian Poetics: Metamorphoses of Values
Короткий опис(реферат)
This is a study of the influence of religious sacrality on modern Ukrainian literature, particularly
poetry, analyzing those sacred meanings that the current Ukrainian mentality actively uses. So
far, it eclectically synthesizes the ideological impulses of traditional Christian religiosity (which
even in the times of Communism retained its natural strength, especially in the Western regions
of Ukraine), and elements of Soviet ideologemes and pragmatism of the modern transitional
period. At the same time, it uses certain inclinations to new communication with sacred, which is
felt by some of the important creators of modern Ukrainian culture. In this article, the author uses
specific examples to demonstrate the manifestations of Christian sacredness, canonicity/non canonicity in modern poetry and analyzes them, answering the question of the purpose for which
the poet used a particular symbol. Also, the researcher created a survey for writers, which
provided direct conclusions about what the poets themselves invest in their work as well as their
vision of how religion influences Ukrainian writers in current and future poetic art forms. After
all, the interpretation of creativity by unrelated scholars is not the same as their own words about
the motives of their work. This is an element of novelty of the research, in which
interdisciplinary approach combines religious, aesthetic, and literary aspects.