Співвідношення редокс-форм убіхінону в мітохондріях нирок щурів за умов різної забезпеченості раціону нутрієнтами.
Ursatyi, Mariya
Voloshchuk, Oksana
Kopylchuk, Galina
Показати повний опис матеріалуКороткий опис(реферат)
The aim of work was to study the content of total ubiquinone and the ratio
of its redox forms in the mitochondria of the kidneys of rats under conditions of different supply
of protein and sucrose in the diet. It was found that the most pronounced decrease in the content
of total ubiquinone and the redistribution of its redox forms (a decrease in the content of reduced
ubiquinone by half against the background of an increase in the content of oxidized ubiquinone
by 1.5 times) in kidney mitochondria is observed in animals fed a diet with a high content of
sucrose against the background of alimentary deprivation protein. The established changes can
be considered as prerequisites for the development of renal mitochondrial dysfunction under the
studied conditions